Cotton Strategy

Dual Chelate Technology provides the most efficient and economical approach to nutrient supply

Dual Chelate Fertilizer Plant Science

There are many factors in growing successful crops in Australian agriculture. Dual Chelate Fertilizer has introduced a comprehensive range of both liquid and dry products suitable for broadacre, horticulture, viticulture and turf. Every product contains our Dual Chelate Technology which will assist in providing the most efficient and economical approach to supply nutrients to your plant.

Our CPPA with our naturally occurring L-Amino Acids, enzymatically plant-based extraction is defined by structures containing nitrogen, oxygen, carbon and hydrogen. These are the basic "building blocks" for proteins, enzymes, growth regulators, stimulators, auxins, cytokinin's and gibberellins in most living matter, just to name a few. In basic terms, this means Dual Chelate Fertilizer has sourced the best global organic plant simulants for all Australian crops.

Dual Chelate Fertilizer L - Amino Acids

Dual Chelates superior organic chelates and plant stimulates are Amino Acids. These are essential for binding nutritional elements required by plants, so they can become readily accepted by the plant. (Highest efficiency known to global science in plant nutrition). Only L - Amino Acids are assimilated by plants. These amino acids are utilized in our Transit liquid and soluble ranges.

The life cycle of plants is subject to biotic and abiotic factors that generate stress and affect their importance in optimizing crop yields in stressful situations. This advanced technology is exclusive to Dual Chelate Fertilizer and is included in most products as shown in the table. Having unique and patent technologies at different stages of plants life cycle contribute to the following;

  • Enhanced plant resistance and recovery in stressful situations.
  • Promote the bioavailability of nutrients by stimulating the recovery of physiological balance in order to assimilate nutrients.
  • In addition, providing plant protection to combat attacks by pathogens by inducing local and systemic acquired resistance in the plant.

Patented Organic Activators (CPPA)

Complex Polymeric Polyhydroxy Acid, better known as CPPA is currently provided by Dual Chelate Fertilizer under Patent. CPPA contains a mixture of naturally occurring organic substances which are found in composted plant materials. A proprietary manufacturing process involves the use of concentrated organic substances derived from water which has leached through soils over many years.  These substances are widespread in natures’ soils, fresh and saltwater environments of decaying plant materials. Containing natural acids with tannins, growth regulators, stimulators and auxins, which can be well suited for use in any seed, bulb, rooted plant known to mankind.

Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Zinc and Boron are the main fertiliser inputs in cotton. The highest demand period for most nutrients occurs from flowering to boll fill. Nutrients are stored in leaf tissue until required by boll development.

Fertiliser application methods vary depending on the growing area and irrigation methods, including seed dressing, in-furrow injection, foliar and aerial spray.

Cotton field

Cotton Program

ProductApplication MethodPre-PlantAt PlantSowing to First SquareFirst Square to FlowerFirst to Last Effective FlowerBoll Fill PeriodDefoliation
Rate: per ha or per ton of fertiliser
Granular N P K S 1% ZnIncorporate in soil150-200kg/ha
Transit ReLeafFertiliser coating + Foliar0.5L/ton20ml/ha30ml/ha50ml/ha70ml/ha70ml/ha
Transit ZincSeed coating2.0L/ton
Momentum ZnPIn Furrow20-30L/ha
Dual Grow 11-14-11Foliar3-5L/ha4-6L/ha5-7L/ha8-10L/ha
Activated NFertigation100L/ha300L/ha50L/ha
Dual Force IronFoliar50g/ha75g/ha100g/ha
In Soil Coat Fertiliser Coat Seed In Furrow Foliar Fertigation
Assumed slightly alkaline soil.
Consider soil/water/plant tests, soil health, irrigation method, fertiliser form & placement, efficiency, losses and yield target.
Efficiency : Soil compaction, soil biology, chemical imbalance, salinity, sodicity. Fertiliser timing and placement.
Losses : Up to 50% of applied fertiliser (CRDC 2021) via volatilisation, denitrification, leaching.
Crop safety : Fertiliser pH, salt index. Placement proximity to seed/roots. Foliar concentration on leaves.
Foliar is more efficient : Crop safety can be mitigated with high water volume and low air temp + humidity (Zhu, 1989).
For specialist advice :

Disclaimer and User Guide
Please be aware that fertilizer can burn and or damage crops and pasture. Visible nutrient deficiency symptoms, analytical results and nutrients removals affecting the crop or pasture are most commonly used criteria to determine the appropriate application rate. Number of factors including (but not limited to) weather, soil conditions, application methods, irrigation and management practices which are beyond the control of Dual Chelate® Fertilizer and which cannot be foreseen. Therefore, Dual Chelate® Fertilizer accepts no responsibility whatsoever for any damage, loss or other consequences following the use of this product, whether used in accordance with directions or not but subject to any overriding statutory provision and provided that such liability under those provisions is limited to the replacement of the goods as supplied. The buyer accepts and uses this product subject to these conditions.

WARNING: Do not swallow. The vapor and drift from this product may act as an irritant. Avoid inhalation and contact with the eyes and skin. Wear dust masks, chemical protective gloves and appropriate eye protections when handling the product. Refer the product MSDS for more information.