NPKS 16-23-0-0

+ 16.18% Nitrogen, 22.98% Phosphorous, 1.28% Kelp

+ 0.56% Patented Organic Activators (CPPA)

A highly effective combination of Nitrogen and Phosphorus together with unique Kelp & Biologically Active Molecules to provide N & P efficiently from early spring throughout the growing season.

Benefits of Dual Grow APP (Max NP)

  • Increases plant development and vigour whilst encouraging greener growth and larger yields
  • Nitrogen and Phosphorus promote new cell development and assist in energy transport
  • Slow release form of phosphorus allows for better nutrient utilisation and absorption during the season
  • Kelp is important for root development and reduces a wide range of plant stresses during the critical growth stages such as flowering, fruit setting, sizing and colour development
  • Increased nutrient uptake and translocation of other elements through Patented Organic Activators (CPPA)

The Importance of Nitrogen

Nitrogen is essential for all plant growth and development and is a major component of the chlorophyll molecule required for plant-available energy.

The Role of Phosphorus

Phosphorus is incorporated into many organic compounds such as DNA, proteins, lipids, and enzymes. These organic compounds assist in energy transfer, nutrient uptake, and transport.

The Importance of Kelp

Kelp plays a crucial role in root growth and plant stress tolerance such as transplant shock. Also, Kelp is important for seed germination.

The Benefits of CPPA

CPPA is a group of organic acids which enhance various plant physiological functions such as nutrient absorption, shoot and root growth, germination and seedling emergence.

Physical Properties

pH: 4.9-5.2, Specific Gravity: 1.2-1.4 kg/L, Analysis W/V%: 16.18% N, 22.98% P, 1.28% Kelp, Patented Organic Activators (CPPA).