NPKS 0 – 0 – 32 – 8
A premium product with a combination of chelated Potassium and Sulphur, which are highly beneficial in fruit quality, shelf life and plant growth.
Benefits of Dual Grow K Trio
- Regulates chlorophyll formation, enzyme activation, water use efficiency (stomata control), starch formation and protein synthesis
- Potassium protects crops against abiotic and biotic stress factors, especially in drought conditions
- Potassium involves in translocation of plant nutrients, water and other substances within the plant
- Improves the fruit quality and firmness Sulphur facilitates the Nitrogen fixation in legume root nodules
The Importance of Potassium
Potassium acts as a regulatory element controlling plant water status and activation of many enzymes. Potassium promotes the strengthening of plant cell walls which produced stronger and thicker stems.
Potassium plays a crucial role in improving plant resistance to bacterial and fungal diseases and also abiotic stress such as heat, drought, frost, salinity and aluminium toxicity.
The Role of Sulphur
Sulphur is an essential macronutrient for the production of amino acids, proteins, enzymes, vitamins and chlorophyll in plants. Sulphur plays a crucial role in photosynthesis and crop winter hardiness. Also, Sulphur is an essential element for the efficient Nitrogen fixation in legume root nodules.
Physical Properties
pH: 11.2 - 11.7, Specific Gravity: 1.42 - 1.48, Analysis W/V%: 32% Potassium, 8% Sulphur