32.8% Patented Organic Activators (CPPA), 48.2% Amino Acids, 8.2% Other Organic Acids
Transit Re-Leaf is a patented product formulation designed to minimise plant stress from adverse environmental conditions such as drought, salinity, heat & cold and physical damage.
Benefits of Transit Re-Leaf
- CPPA has been proven to significantly improve germination rates, root growth and plant fresh weights when exposed to abiotic stress conditions.
- Organically derived Amino Acids naturally chelate nutrients and significantly improve the absorption and translocation of nutrients with in the plant.
- CPPA’s work directly towards increasing the growth rates in plants with effects measurable in as little as 8 hours.
The Importance of Amino Acids
Organically derived L - amino acids promote the bioavailability of nutrients to the plant, enhance plant resistance and recovery to stresses and provide physiological balance.
The Importance of CPPA
CPPA is a group of organic acids which enhance various plant physiological functions such as nutrient absorption, shoot and root growth, germination and seedling emergence.
Physical Properties
pH: 5.50-6.10, Specific Gravity: 1.19-1.31kg/L Analysis W/V%: 32.8% Patented Organic Activators (CPPA), 48.2% Amino Acids, 8.2% Other Organic Acids