Cucurbits Program

Fruit SettingMaturityHarvest
ProductApplication MethodSeedlingVegetative GrowthFloweringEarly Fruit Setting and DevelopmentLate Fruit Setting and DevelopmentMaturityEarly HarvestingLate Harvesting
Rate: Kg per hectare / Litres per hectare
Crystal Blue DiamondBroadcast150-250
Amino Boost Transit MaxFertigation10-2010-20
Transit KelpFoliar5-7
Dual Grow APPFertigation10-20
Dual Grow 12-5-14 + TEFertigation20-3020-3020-3020-30
Transit Premium TraceFoliar2-32-32-32-3
Crystal Cal N Mag & BFertigation5-105-105-1010-1510-1510-15
Dual Grow K TrioFertigation20-4020-4020-40
Transit SilicateFertigation5-105-105-10
Broadcast Foliar Fertigation
  • Cucurbits are short term but vigorous growing crops. They tend to be shallow rooted, requiring careful management of nutrition and soil moisture for optimum yield of good quality fruit.
  • Consider cucurbit species, soil type, water, soil health, irrigation method, fertiliser form, efficiency and growth structure practices. General rule all phosphorus and a third to half of nitogen and potassium requirements are supplied at planting.
  • Most cucurbits are irrigated and often fertigation is used as an effective method of applying major and minor nutrients.
  • Foliar sprays are another useful application method for biostimulant and trace elements can be address at peak demand when root uptake can be inefficient.
  • In all circumstances the use of soil and leaf testing is imperative for analysing the status of nutrient level.
Nutrient Removal / Uptake
Approximate amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium removed in fruit of selected cucurbit crops
Kg N/tonKg P/tonKg K/ton
Source: Darryl D. Warncke Department of Crop and Soil Science Michigan State University
For specialist advice :

Disclaimer and User Guide
Please be aware that fertilizer can burn and or damage crops and pasture. Visible nutrient deficiency symptoms, analytical results and nutrients removals affecting the crop or pasture are most commonly used criteria to determine the appropriate application rate. Number of factors including (but not limited to) weather, soil conditions, application methods, irrigation and management practices which are beyond the control of Dual Chelate® Fertilizer and which cannot be foreseen. Therefore, Dual Chelate® Fertilizer accepts no responsibility whatsoever for any damage, loss or other consequences following the use of this product, whether used in accordance with directions or not but subject to any overriding statutory provision and provided that such liability under those provisions is limited to the replacement of the goods as supplied. The buyer accepts and uses this product subject to these conditions.

WARNING: Do not swallow. The vapor and drift from this product may act as an irritant. Avoid inhalation and contact with the eyes and skin. Wear dust masks, chemical protective gloves and appropriate eye protections when handling the product. Refer the product MSDS for more information.